Easter Peep Pinata

So let’s talk piñatas! What party wouldn’t be complete without a piñata? When I made my first one a few months ago, I was kind of nervous about it but come to find out it’s pretty easy! You can totally make one without spending much money and they make such festive pictures! Since it’s Easter, I thought an Easter Peep was the perfect piñata to make. What Easter basket doesn’t come filled with these marshmallow treats? So here we go! DIY below!

Materials Needed
- 3 packs of yellow tissue gift paper
- Scissors
- 2 large cardboard boxes
- White duck tape
- Several packs of scotch tape
- Dark brown construction paper
- White computer paper
- Sharpie
- Fishing line
- X-acto knife

Hope you enjoy your Giant Easter Peep! Mignonne thought he was pretty cute too!